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Health, Safety, Environment and Quality

HSEQ Policy

GMS is committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service possible and aspires to become an organisation against which others strive to benchmark.


HSEQ | Gulf Marine Services | Jackup Abudhabi | Oil Company Abudhabi | Best Oil Service Abudhabi | Best Jackup Service UAE | Vessel Company UAE | Fleet Service AbudhabiWe aim to conduct our business sustainably without causing harm to people or the environment. The requirements defined in this policy and throughout our Business Management System are mandatory at all levels of the organisation.

We are committed to the following:

  • To communicate to all persons working for, on behalf of and under the control of the organisation their obligations.
  • Managing risks by identifying, evaluating and treating them in an informed manner; thereby increasing the probability of success and reducing both the probability of failure and the level of uncertainty associated with achieving the Company’s objectives.
  • The prevention and investigation of incidents, the effective management of nonconformities and corrective action, and the dissemination of information regarding lessons learnt and best practices.
  • Setting demanding but achievable objectives, providing the necessary resources and monitoring performance in order to ensure continual improvement.
  • Minimising our impact on the environment.
  • Training and development of all our employees.
  • Ensuring compliance with requirements (applicable local and international legislation, regulations, standards) and continually improve the effectiveness of the Business Management System.

Drug and Alcohol Policy


GMS Drug and Alcohol Policy | Gulf Marine Services | Jackup Abudhabi | Oil Company Abudhabi | Best Oil Service Abudhabi | Best Jackup Service UAE | Vessel Company UAE | Fleet Service AbudhabiGMS is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment for all employees, contractors, customers and visitors involved in its operation. This policy forms part of that commitment. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that employees and contractors do not report for work in an unfit state by virtue of the use of alcohol or drugs, including illegal drugs or, prescribed medication or legal highs (properly known as Novel Psychoactive Substances).


Illegal and non-prescription drugs are not permitted at any GMS work location regardless of whether the location is onshore or offshore. Anyone found to be in possession, or under the influence of drugs will be subject to termination and shall be reported to the relevant authorities as applicable.

It is the responsibility of all employees taking any medication to report to their line Manager and present the prescribed medication for review. Personnel taking prescribed medication shall abide by the warnings and dosage instructions provided on the label of the medication or by the person prescribing the medication. Personnel taking prescription medication with any warning which may affect their ability to work must report to their line Manager prior to starting work.


Alcohol is not permitted at any GMS work location regardless of whether the location is onshore or offshore.

Drug and Alcohol Controls

The Management of Gulf Marine Services reserves the right to conduct unannounced searches for drugs and/or alcohol on its owned or controlled property (both shore-based and aboard vessels). The Management reserves the right to require any personnel working at GMS locations to be submitted to drug and alcohol testing and/or where the use of drugs or consumption of alcohol on company premises is suspected. Refusal by any employee to submit to a search of person, possessions, work area and/or cabin may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Contractors refusing to submit to a search will be removed from company premises and will be prohibited from returning.

  • To communicate to all persons working for, on behalf of and under the control of the organisation their obligations.
  • Managing risks by identifying, evaluating and treating them in an informed manner; thereby increasing the probability of success and reducing both the probability of failure and the level of uncertainty associated with achieving the Company’s objectives.
  • The prevention and investigation of incidents, the effective management of nonconformities and corrective action, and the dissemination of information regarding lessons learnt and best practices.
  • Setting demanding but achievable objectives, providing the necessary resources and monitoring performance in order to ensure continual improvement.
  • Minimising our impact on the environment.
  • Training and development of all our employees.
  • Ensuring compliance with requirements (applicable local and international legislation, regulations, standards) and continually improve the effectiveness of the Business Management System.

Smoking Policy

As an employer, GMS takes its duty of care with regards to health and safety seriously by ensuring the working environment of employees is safe, and without adverse risks to their health and welfare.


GMS Smoking Policy | Gulf Marine Services | Jackup Abudhabi | Oil Company Abudhabi | Best Oil Service Abudhabi | Best Jackup Service UAE | Vessel Company UAE | Fleet Service AbudhabiSmoking, for the purpose of this policy, refers to any activity by which smoke is released from a person’s mouth by using devices such as, but not limited to, e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars or other vaping devices or pipes.

The GMS Smoking Policy is intended to benefit everyone by:

  • Protecting everyone against the adverse effects of second-hand smoke
  • Promoting a healthy working environment

For this reason:

Smoking is permitted in designated smoking areas only; it is prohibited in all other areas, including but not limited to, GMS buildings, car parks, company vehicles, vessels decks and cabins.

The GMS smoking policy applies to all employees, contractors and visitors, both offshore on all GMS vessels and onshore in all GMS locations

Any employee found to be in breach of this Policy will be subject to the company’s disciplinary process, while contractors or visitors may be removed from site.

A2Z and Lifesaving Rules

GMS A2 Zero is a journey through which we are seeking to instill the belief that everything we do can be done without injuring anyone or damaging the environment. As a growing organization operating in challenging and inherently hazardous environments, we recognize that to achieve this aim we need to continue driving performance, developing the leadership skills of our staff and improving our systems and processes. As part of this and in support of our value of excellence we have identified and developed Life Saving Rules:

GMS Life Saving Rules


GMS is committed to joining the global fight against climate change. We are continually working on new initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment.

Vessel Emissions

We track refrigerant usage across our fleet to reduce GHG emissions. We have taken additional steps in 2020 to replace our refrigeration gasses to lower GWP types.

Compliance with Marpol

IMO regulations to reduce sulphur oxides (SOx) emissions from ships first came into force in 2005, under Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (known as the MARPOL Convention).

From 1 January 2020, the limit for sulphur in fuel oil used onboard ships operating outside designated emission control areas is reduced to 0.50% m/m (mass by mass). All GMS vessels are compliant with MARPOL low sulphur requirements.

Reducing our Footprint

GMS has closed a large construction facility as part of a corporate restructuring which has significantly reduced water and electricity usage.

Company Vehicles

GMS has also reduced its fleet of company vehicles significantly in 2020, reducing emissions from fuel consumption.