Employee Engagement and Welfare
An employee engagement survey was rolled out at the end of 2021, with an 82% completion rate. This is consistent with the last survey that was conducted in 2019 for the entire GMS workforce. The areas employees scored as needing attention are the frequency of communication, as a Group and between departments, and creating opportunities to provide constructive ideas on how to improve processes. In 2020, GMS launched it's internal 'Bright Ideas' campaign to encourage employees to share their ideas to drive efficiencies in their areas of work.
In 2021, the focus continued on employee's Health and safety, due to the potential risks arising from COVID-19. There was regular COVID-19 onsite testing. All employees were actively encouraged to get vaccinated and the year end vaccination rate is 98%. Onshore, GMS introduced Flexible Working Hours to improve work-life balance and drive efficiencies within the organisation with Work from Home option under certain circumstances. Crew rotations, for offshore employees, were changed to cater to COVID-19 travel and quarantine restrictions to adhere to client and government requirements.
The Group's workforce consists of 545 personnel recruited from 34 countries. The significant experience and skills individuals bring to GMS help it conduct its business globally. GMS recognises its talented and diverse workforce as a competitive advantage and ensures that diversity is maintained across all areas by implementing an Equal Opportunities Policy.
Ethical Practice
The Group operates responsibly, in accordance with the formal legal and regulatory disclosure requirements expected of a UK listed company.
GMS' Code of Conduct sets out the basic rules of the Group. The Code's purpose is to ensure work is undertaken safely, ethically, efficiently, and within the laws of the countries in which GMS operates. All staff receive Code of Conduct training as part of their induction, and the Group's reputation and success are dependent on staff putting the Code into practice in all dealings with stakeholders.
GMS maintains an awareness of human rights issues, which is reflected in its suite of Group policies, including the Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy, Anti-Slavery Policy, Social Responsibility Policy and Whistleblowing Policy.
Learning and Development
GMS aims to ensure that all employees maintain the relevant technical and regulatory training required to fulfil their roles. As seafarers, all crew maintain their relevant STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping - a worldwide convention that ensures a lateral standard of training is achieved across all countries in the world) qualifications that license them to operate the Group's vessels, in accordance with International Maritime Organisation requirements. For vessels operating within the offshore Oil & Gas Sector, all crew also complete additional training in areas such as, but not limited to, offshore safety and awareness and emergency response.
Whistleblowing Reporting Service
An independent reporting service for whistleblowing is in place. It operates confidentially, is available 24 hours a day and is staffed by highly skilled professional call handlers. This service:
- Gives a voice to employees, contractors, suppliers and supply chain and other stakeholders;
- Helps maintain a culture of openness;
- Ddemonstrates that GMS takes malpractice seriously;
- Provides Senior Management with an overall temperature of the business; and
- Supports employees who speak up.
The Whistleblowing policy has a strict non-retaliation commitment to support any employees who speak up.